Banderas +34 910 065 523 - +34 935 950 221




“These days, it is not sufficient to offer customers good products and services: the key to success is to create an extraordinary customer experience”

Customer Experience is related to perception: our brand must make them feel good. This is why it is necessary to learn about key interactions, and what actions we can take to make them into memorable moments

At Moebius Consulting we help our customers to design extraordinary customer experiences. To do this:

We integratethe customer’s voice into the design of the experience. We use qualitative research techniques to analyse the customer’s heart and mind, and to identify the factors that are the key to success
   We integratethe employee’s voice into the design of the experience. We place particular emphasis on front line employees, who are in direct contact with the customer
   We support companies through designing the experience, by placing emphasys on key moments of the relationship, and using Co-Creation methodologies with customers and front line and back office employees

Companies who are able to create an extraordinary customer experience create long-lasting links with them and achieve sustainable long-term results

Cultural and Organisational change

“A prerequisite to achieving memorable experiences is securing team commitment and creating a true Customer Experience culture”

Employees are responsible for delivering the Experience. We will only be able to create an extraordinary experience if we have a team that is very committed, very empowered and very capable of putting itself in the customer’s place

At Moebius Consulting we help our customers to implement the cultural and organisational changes necessary to make its Customer Experience Vision a reality:

By helping to change the employee mindset, and developing critical skills such as empathy, ownership and sense of purpose
  We traing key employees in the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver extraordinary experiences to the customer
   We work with leaders to turn them into true agents for change, and help them to develop a leadership style that promotes the commitment and autonomy of their teams

Companies that are able to secure commitment from their employees are capable of creating extraordinay customer experiences

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