Banderas +34 910 065 523 - +34 935 950 221




“It’s about, instead of having managers that manage and employees that execute, to help managers to lead and employees to execute managing”

Leadership of management teams and middle management is an indispensable part of any company’s competitiveness. Nothing flows without it

At Moebius Consulting we help our customers to manage their “leadership pipeline” and team effectiveness, with a strategic vision of talent:

By working on construction in advance, and onleader transitions between different levels, with a front line focus
   By developingleadership focused needs, based on business involvement, and by applying cutting edge management concepts and techniques
   By generating intangible elements of leadership in the organisational culture

Companies that develop executive and management leadership finally find much more transforming leaders and much more autonomous working teams


“You cannot manage others or perform well without controlling yourself”

Development of management and sales has always been aimed at others: motivate, influence, communicate… forgetting that everything starts with our knowledge of ourselves, overcoming self-imposed barriers and personal effectiveness

At Moebius Consulting we help to develop the following skills based on self-leadership, among other skills:

Influence and interpersonal relationships, to improve collaboration and the “branding” of organisations and their professionals
  Personal effectiveness for improving the way that professionals use their time, their global visions and their strategic alignment
   Change management to understand and manage emotions (caused by my change), and to constructively support change in my surroundings

Organisations that help their professionals to develop self-leadership capabilities experience considerable improvements in performance and motivation

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